Thesis rejected? We can provide you with professional assistance for your rejected thesis.

Did you feel disappointed after receiving a negative assessment of your research proposal, action plan, or thesis? Has your thesis been rejected, or do you have to retake it? We understand that this can be a stressful situation. Our team of experienced thesis coaches is here to assist you and has successfully guided numerous students through the process of revising a rejected thesis.

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How can we help you with your resubmission?

If your thesis is rejected, you will naturally feel very disappointed. The thesis coaches at Jouw Scriptiecoach can assist you if your thesis has been rejected. We offer different types of support. For example, we understand the importance of having someone help you understand and analyze the feedback you have received on your rejected thesis, so that you can begin incorporating this feedback into your work.

Our thesis coaches have experience in various fields relevant to your course of study and are familiar with the requirements set by your study program. They can assist you not only in understanding feedback but also in making the necessary adjustments if your thesis has been rejected. They offer clear and practical advice to help you get started with improving your thesis.

Have you made any improvements to your rejected thesis? Jouw Scriptiecoach can also assist you if you’re in need of someone to review your thesis. Additionally, a thesis coach not only provides valuable feedback and necessary tools to enhance your rejected thesis, but they can also assist you in creating a schedule that allows for clear understanding of your progress and enables you to work in a focused and organized manner.

How do we help you get back on track if you need to resubmit?

If your thesis is rejected, you’ll want to do whatever you can to improve it. You have worked hard and dedicated a significant amount of time and energy to your thesis, only to receive a failing assessment. Our thesis coaches can help you improve your thesis in the necessary areas, enabling you to successfully complete it. We can achieve this in various ways: by assisting you in interpreting the feedback you’ve received for your thesis, providing you with tips and instructions, or reviewing your revised thesis for spelling and language errors. Just one or two hours of thesis help is often sufficient to give you new insights and the necessary tools to appropriately revise your thesis and continue your work.

How we help you with your rejected thesis or retake:

  • Interpreting and processing received feedback.
  • Translating feedback into specific comments and advice.
  • Refining research methodology and results.
  • Assisting with quantitative analyses using Stata and SPSS.
  • Transcribing and coding qualitative findings.
  • Enhancing readability, structure, and argumentation.
  • Motivating and inspiring for a successful revision.
  • Preparing and practicing for defense and presentation.
  • Offering a second opinion and conducting content checks.

Interpreting and processing feedback received

The feedback that you receive from your examiner or assessor regarding your rejected thesis can sometimes be quite confusing. Simply making adjustments to the highlighted points is often not enough. It is crucial to delve deeper and understand what other aspects the feedback is referring to. Our team of experienced tutors is here to help you interpret and integrate this feedback, as it is essential for a successful resubmission.

Translating feedback into concrete comments and advice

Clear and specific advice will help you make the necessary adjustments for a successful retake. Our thesis coaches analyze the overall focus of the feedback and provide targeted comments in the margins. This ensures that the feedback is concrete and offers you practical tips and advice on how to process it effectively. We can email you the document with the feedback so you can start working on it independently. Additionally, we offer the option of collaborating on the document online or discussing the feedback through a video call, which allows you to make the necessary adjustments immediately. We tailor our guidance to your preferences to support your study process effectively.

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Enhancing readability, structure and argumentation

Our tutors check for common threads and coherence to ensure clear argumentation. They also detect language errors, correct twisted sentences, check the comprehensibility of the narrative, and give you tips on structure. Furthermore, they can also review your source citations, both in the APA reference style and the Legal Guide (Leidraad voor Juridische Auteurs).

Refining research methodology and results

Did you receive extensive feedback on the introduction, problem analysis, literature review, or research methodology? Or have specific comments been provided on your results? We will work together with you to analyze which aspects can be further improved. We are ready to assist you in refining the problem analysis, literature review, conceptual model, and research design. If your research results have been assessed as inadequate or insufficient, our primary focus will be on the quantitative and qualitative data collected. We will verify the accuracy of the conducted analyses and determine whether additional research is required. Additionally, we can support you in transcribing and coding qualitative results. This way, we ensure that your thesis meets the requirements of your study program.

Motivating and inspiring

If you have received a lot of feedback, your spirits may be plummeting. Working so hard and then receiving these results can be discouraging. However, with our customized guidance, planning, and motivation, we can help rekindle your motivation and get you back on track. This way, you will be able to submit your work on time.

Preparing and practicing defense

Did you fail your oral exam because you had difficulty answering the examiners’ questions? It’s an unfortunate situation that sometimes happens. Proper preparation and practicing potential questions will help you feel more confident during the defense. We are here to support you in this matter, so that you can approach your oral exam with confidence.

Second opinion

Not sure about the evaluation of your document? We offer an unbiased opinion and carry out a comprehensive content check. We assess the logical coherence of the feedback according to your program’s requirements and ensure that all essential elements are included in your document. After reviewing your document, we will provide detailed feedback on the evaluated aspects. It’s important to note that we do not act as a mediator if you are not satisfied with the outcome. Our main focus is to provide a critical and constructive overview to help you understand the assessment and give you the tools to improve your document.

Thesis rejected? Schedule your free consultation for help immediately

Has your thesis been rejected? We offer prompt and efficient support to help you process feedback and succeed in the resit. Together, we will review the feedback from the assessor or examiner and focus on improving your thesis. Our tutor is also prepared to motivate you and act as a figurative “big stick.”

Have you already processed the feedback and are you ready for a final check? Then, have your new thesis checked by a proofreader. Feel free to send your feedback form along so that the proofreader can check not only the thesis but also the way you processed the feedback. This way, you ensure that all feedback is incorporated.
